
🐜 Find optimal paths for ants



This project is a simulation of an ant farm. It is written in Go and aims to find the quickest way to get a number of ants across a colony, from the start room to the end room.

Project Overview

An ant farm is created with links and rooms. The ants are placed on one side and they need to find the exit. The goal is to bring them to the end room with as few moves as possible. The shortest path is not necessarily the simplest.

The program displays the results in a specific format on the standard output:

Lx-y Lz-w Lr-o ...

Where x, z, r represent the ants numbers and y, w, o represent the rooms names.


This project requires Go 1.16 or later. To install, clone this repository and build using Go:

git clone https://learn.zone01dakar.sn/git/papgueye/lem-in.git
cd lem-in
go build


To use the program, pass the path of a text file containing the ant farm description as an argument. The format of the file should be as described in the Project Overview.

./lem-in path/to/your/file.txt

Project Structure

This project makes use of several key data structures: Room, Tunnel, Ant, and AntFarm.

  • Room: Represents each room and contains the room name and its coordinates.
  • Link: Represents each tunnel and contains pointers to the two rooms it connects.
  • Ant: Represents each ant, containing an identifier and its current room.
  • AntFarm: Represents the entire ant farm and contains a list of all ants, rooms, and links, and pointers to the start and end rooms.

Key functions: